Monday, November 12, 2007

Entry # 3

The name of my book is "To Kill A Mockingbird" and this is my third entry on this book. I have just finished reading it and the third part was about. Later on in prison Tom Robison got killed for trying to escape. One night Jem and Scout was walking home from a show that Scout had for the school, it was very dark the way they where walking and they couldn’t see and thing. Then Jem started hearing noise behind him and someone end up knocking Jem out and breaking his arm and Scout just ran home. Boo Radley end up bringing Jem home and he was knocking out but Jem was ok.

Boo Radley end up bringing Jem home and he was knocking out but Jem was ok.
They end up calling the sheriff and Scout told the sheriff where the man beat Jem up at. Then the sheriff went out and found Bob Ewell died against and old oak tree with a knife in his chest.

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