Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Entry #1

The mane of my book is "To Kill A Mockingbird". The story is about this boy name Jem and his sister growing up with their father. They mother died when they were very young, Jem sister was to young to remember when they mother died. Their father Atticus was a lawyer and he wasn’t at home that much, so he had a black maid that watch the children and cooked while he was at work. One day their daddy had to defend a black man at court and little kids started messing with Jem saying that his daddy is a niggerlover, and Jem end up fighting the little boy.

The thing that sticks out the most to me is when the little boys started picking at Jem about his daddy being a niggerlover. I think that Jem should have fought him because he did have anything to do with his daddy defend a black person. One of the other things that stick out to me is when they have to go to school together. Jem told his sister do not say anything to him at school. The reason I like that because me and my cousin was just like that in school, we did say that much to each other in school but we talk when we get home.

The thing that I like about the story is that Atticus still has a job and doing well by working and taking care of his kids. The hard that their mama is died and every day he still go to work so that he can support the kids with out her. Their daddy hired a black woman to be their maid and she stay with them when their mama died so she could take care of them when he is at work.


hunterd said...

Good choice for a book to read. I am sure you can relate to the parts where the main character is falsely accused. Why don't you compare what happened to you to what happened to Boo Radley?

jnicdesigns said...

Great book choice Tony! Being able to relate to the characters always brings the story closer to home. Can't wait to read your next synopsis!
jenn =)